Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association is grateful for the following support and sponsorship...

MBHA Quartet Trophy Sponsors

Harmony, Inc. Areas:

Area 1 – Mary & Murray Phillips
Area 2 – Steve & Renee Tramack
Area 3 – In memory of Chuck Wert and Compound W mixed quartet
Area 4 - Sponsor Needed
Area 5 - Baldwin Blend Mixed Chorus
Area 6 - Rare Blend Quartet

Barbershop Harmony Society Districts:

Central States – Ron Morden
Dixie – Jim Sams
Evergreen – Gerry & Linda Borden
Far Western – Kim & Jerry Orloff
Johnny Appleseed –  Jean & Brian Barford
Land O’ Lakes – Connie & Doug Miller
Mid-Atlantic – Roxanne & Dick Powell
Northeastern – Mary & Murray Phillips
Ontario – Sharon & Barry Towner
Rocky Mountain – Carlos Aguayo
Carolinas – Warren and Andy Fuson
Sunshine – Double Date Quartet
Southwestern – Southwestern District
Illinois – Don & Dee Leonard
Cardinal – Cardinal District

MBHA Chorus Trophy Sponsors

Harmony, Inc. Areas:
Area 1 – Sponsor Needed
Area 2 – Sponsor Needed
Area 3 – Sponsor Needed
Area 4 - Sponsor Needed
Area 5 - Sponsor Needed
Area 6 - Sponsor Needed

BHS District Mixed Chorus Contests:

Carolinas – Heart of Carolina A Cappella Chorus
Evergreen – Gerry & Linda Borden
Ontario – Nancy & Digger MacDougall

If you are interested in sponsoring a trophy, please contact info@mixedbarbershop.org