We are pleased to announce the MBHA’s First Mixed Quartet Festival happening this Spring! Open to ALL MBHA member quartets! See the full rules for entry and participation here.
All MBHA member quartets are invited to enter, in one of three ways:
1. Enter your MBHA quartet into one of the Harmony, Inc. Area Contests this spring and submit your contestant scoring analysis and video of your performance.
2. Enter your MBHA quartet into a BHS District or Division contest this Spring and submit your contestant scoring analysis and video of your performance
3. Enter your MBHA quartet directly to MBHA and then record a two-song continuous performance of your quartet and submit it to MBHA where it will be scored by certified judges and converted to a Festival Score. If your quartet chooses this approach, please also complete and upload the Festival Video Certification Form along with the video.
Please fill out the registration form to enter your quartet in the festival.
All scores received will be converted to a festival score and receive one of four awards:
GOOD, EXCELLENT, OUTSTANDING, or SUPERIOR. All submitted recordings will be put together into a Festival Show to be hosted this Summer!
The deadline for submission of required documents and videos for ensembles needing to be scored (category #3 above) is May 15.
The deadline for submission of required documents and videos for performances already adjudicated in a BHS or HI contest (categories #1 and #2 above) is June 30.
We are excited to offer this opportunity for our quartets to “show their stuff.”