MBHA has some exciting news! Don’t miss the World Harmony Showcase, sponsored by the World Harmony Council, at this year’s Barbershop Harmony Society’s International Convention in Louisville, KY. On Thursday, July 6, at 9:30 PM, MBHA will be proudly represented by Hot Notes Quartet, from the Evergreen District, BHS. Quartet members Ted Chamberlain, Shelly Membry, […]
***UPDATE SEPTEMBER 5*** The MBHA 2023 Summer Festival is now available for viewing on our MBHA YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to “like,” subscribe, and share the channel to see all things MBHA!
The Board of MBHA can’t wait to share with you our exciting “2023 Summer Festival,” featuring quartet contest performances eligible for festival ratings and awards that we’re sure you’ll enjoy!
However, we need to “wait” just a little longer, friends! We are rescheduling the YouTube premiere of the Festival event from today, July 14, to Friday, August 4 at 8:00pm EDT. The Festival will be available for viewing on MBHA’s YouTube Channel!
There are two primary reasons for the rescheduling. First, one of the participating ensembles is still waiting for their contest performance video to submit for inclusion in the Festival. We feel it important to ensure ALL ensembles who qualified to appear are included. Second, with the “hangover” many are experiencing following the incredibly successful BHS International in Louisville, as well as the upcoming BHS Category School for judges and Harmony University all happening before the end of July, we wanted to set a new date that would not conflict with other events and allow the Festival to attract as many interested viewers as possible!
Stay tuned for updates as the date approaches. We look forward to your being with us—virtually—for this terrific event celebrating the joys of mixed barbershop singing!”