***UPDATE SEPTEMBER 5*** The MBHA 2023 Summer Festival is now available for viewing on our MBHA YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to “like,” subscribe, and share the channel to see all things MBHA! The Board of MBHA can’t wait to share with you our exciting “2023 Summer Festival,” featuring quartet contest performances eligible for festival ratings […]
Greetings World Barbershop Leaders,
It’s time to celebrate the return of barbershop music! I am proud to announce the resumption of the World Harmony Council Showcase performances. Choruses and quartets from around the world have submitted performances of their choice for inclusion in the WHC Showcase, which will commence Saturday, 2 April, at 1700 (5 pm) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The Showcase will be free on You Tube. Simply click this link: https://youtu.be/h9FwJAgbIAU or https://bit.ly/3MUgPci .
The Showcase was produced by WHC Exec member Mark Conching, and is moderated by none other than Barbershopper Extraordinaire Tim Waurick. The Showcase is designed to “showcase” the barbershop talent from every corner of the world – from established veteran Gold Medallists to emerging quartets in countries new to our beloved art form.
As we fight COVID, and to return to live “maskless” rehearsals and performances, it is hoped this collection of barbershop treasures will inspire all singers, and “kick-start” our activities.
I sincerely believe that in no time in our lifetimes has the need for Peace been more urgent. We can do our small part by spreading the joy of music to all parts of the world.
In Harmony,
Mike Donnelly
President, World Harmony Council