***UPDATE SEPTEMBER 5*** The MBHA 2023 Summer Festival is now available for viewing on our MBHA YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to “like,” subscribe, and share the channel to see all things MBHA! The Board of MBHA can’t wait to share with you our exciting “2023 Summer Festival,” featuring quartet contest performances eligible for festival ratings […]
MBHA will FEATURE YOU at the Barbershop Harmony Society’s 2021 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION!
MBHA is excited to have been invited by the Barbershop Harmony Society to have a big virtual presence at the upcoming Virtual International Convention, from June 28 to July 4. All convention activity will be online (details on the BHS website, barbershop.org), accessible by folks from all over the world! As a follow up to our successful virtual Mixed Harmony Showcases in 2020 and at BHS Midwinter, we are creating a brand new “showcase” to be broadcast throughout the convention featuring video performances by quartets and choruses from around the world!
This project is an ideal opportunity for your group to be recognized and applauded around the world! Instead of a traditional convention showcase held in a hotel ballroom with attendance of 200-300, your ensemble will be introduced to and enjoyed by a worldwide audience, including family, friends and new “fans!”
It’s Your Chance to Shine!
All mixed-gender ensembles from around the world, performing in the barbershop style, are welcome to submit a performance video for inclusion in the NEW Convention Showcase, regardless of affiliation with any barbershop organization. Video recordings may be of “live” performances (like recent-past contest or show recordings) or “virtual” performances, recorded “apart” using software like the Acapella app. Performances will be stitched together into an engaging online showcase, “premiered” to run at a prescribed date and time, and recorded to remain on social media for delayed viewing any time.
Video Submission Details
There is no fee to be included in the Showcase. Each group wishing to participate must submit ONE VIDEO, containing one or more songs, NOT TO EXCEED 10 MINUTES TOTAL LENGTH (please!). (Separate videos from the same group cannot be accommodated, sorry.) While it is not necessary that recordings be professionally prepared, your submission should reflect the best quality of your ensemble. Videos must be in LANDSCAPE orientation and will not be edited or enhanced by the producers; “what you send is what they’ll see!” IF YOU SUBMITTED VIDEOS for our previous online showcases, we ask that you submit ALL NEW MATERIAL.
When you have selected the video you wish to submit, there are two things you need to do.
First, upload the video—WITH YOUR GROUP’S NAME (not your own name) IN THE FILENAME—by clicking on this link and following the instructions. You’ll be asked to enter an email address for confirmation of your submission. Here’s the link to upload your performance:
Second, immediately following your video upload, send a brief “BIO” of your ensemble which will be used to “introduce” you to the audience. Submit your bio by email with the subject line “MBHA INTERNATIONAL VIDEO BIO (GROUP NAME)” to bcolosimo@mixedbarbershop.org.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF VIDEOS AND BIOS IS FRIDAY JUNE 11 at 5:00 pm EDT (US). In order to ensure enough time to prepare a quality production for broadcast starting June 28, no late submissions can be accepted. Thank you for understanding.
Health and Safety Considerations
Even with relaxed COVID-19 restrictions, to ensure your health and safety, we strongly encourage you to submit “live” recordings prepared prior to the coronavirus outbreak in your jurisdiction (national, state, local), OR videos prepared by those exclusively in your “bubble.” YOU are responsible to comply with all constraints on in-person gatherings mandated or encouraged by your jurisdiction; MBHA assumes no liability for any adverse health consequences resulting from “singing together.” Please know that even sharing your past “live” performances will be well received by a whole set of new eyes and ears, and we want to ensure you’ll be safe and healthy to sing for years to come! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
In addition to broadcasting a new video Showcase, MBHA will be featuring FUN STILL PHOTOGRAPHS OF ENSEMBLES ENJOYING MIXED HARMONY SINGING! Whether or not you’re submitting a video performance, please select a fun picture of your group, expressing the joys of singing mixed harmony together, and SUBMIT STILL PHOTOGRAPHS to this link:
Please, please be sure to include the NAME of your ensemble in the filename of the picture you upload, so we’ll know who you are! And, just as instructed with video submissions— Immediately following your still photograph upload, send a brief “BIO” of your ensemble which will be used to “introduce” you to the audience. Submit your bio by email with the subject line “MBHA MIDWINTER PHOTO BIO (GROUP NAME)” to bcolosimo@mixedbarbershop.org.
The deadline for submission of still photos is also FRIDAY JUNE 11 at 5:00pm EDT (US).
Consider Joining Us!
While it is not a requirement that you or your ensemble be MBHA members to participate in this initiative, we invite you to consider joining us by becoming a Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association member! Our mission is simple, to “encourage and support mixed barbershop harmony singing.” Simple…and worthy! Annual membership dues are very affordable, and your membership—regardless of any other affiliation you might have—will go a long way to support initiatives like this in the future! Please visit www.mixedbarbershop.org, learn about us, and click on the “Membership” tab to sign up.
We also encourage you to “like” our Facebook page by clicking https://www.facebook.com/MixedBarbershopHarmony/, and “join” our popular Facebook group by clicking https://www.facebook.com/groups/mixedbarbershopsingers/. These two vehicles, we encourage you to subscribe to our Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association YouTube Channel, where you will find our fabulous past Virtual Showcase videos!
We hope we’ve covered everything here, but please send any questions you still might have to bcolosimo@mixedbarbershop.org. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Thank you for considering joining this fun project. We look forward to featuring YOU in our exciting NEW BHS INTERNATIONAL “Mixed Harmony Showcase!”